Pumpkin bread, Pumpkin carving, Punkn' Chunkn'. Who doesn't like all things Pumpkin?
Pumpkin Night Instructions
Pumpkin Night Instructions
We got creative for dinner and had pumpkin shaped grilled cheese with Harvest Orange Tomato soup. You can use any pumpkin recipe you want to expand on your pumpkin dinner.
Pumpkin Bread: Use your favorite pumpkin bread recipe to make a super yummy treat
Pumpkin Bread: Use your favorite pumpkin bread recipe to make a super yummy treat
CRAFT: balloon pumpkins, pumpkin painting or paper strip pumpkins
Blow up an orange balloon per person. Cut out face shapes (or use template) / color and attach to balloons.
Can use markers / sharpies to draw on balloons.
Alternate crafts include painting real pumpkins or making construction paper pumpkins (instructions in Pumpkin Night file)
Face Mouth
Face Eyes & Nose
Can use markers / sharpies to draw on balloons.
Alternate crafts include painting real pumpkins or making construction paper pumpkins (instructions in Pumpkin Night file)
Face Mouth
Face Eyes & Nose
ACTIVITY: Pickin' pumpkins
Print pumpkin picture on paper and glue to cardboard (an empty cereal box works well). Cut into 8-10 shapes and place one or two
per orange balloon. Blow up balloon with piece inside and attach to green crepe paper for a vine. Place ‘pumpkins’ around the house / yard and allow kids to pick them and get the puzzle piece out via popping or deflating. Put together puzzle.
Pumpkin Puzzle Picture
Alternate Activity: Visit a pumpkin patch, carve real pumpkins
per orange balloon. Blow up balloon with piece inside and attach to green crepe paper for a vine. Place ‘pumpkins’ around the house / yard and allow kids to pick them and get the puzzle piece out via popping or deflating. Put together puzzle.
Pumpkin Puzzle Picture
Alternate Activity: Visit a pumpkin patch, carve real pumpkins